Sunday, June 17, 2012

Word Answers

Recognize these words? Well here they are with their definitions.

Thongs- not undergarments; these are your flippy-floppies

Scrogan- trail mix or gorp

Sunnies- sun-glasses

Kiwi- someone from that island with all the sheep or a New Zealander

Chips- french fries (or if your a Amurican freedom fries)

Jelly- not for your toast! This is Jello

Swimmers- When some tells you to grad your swimmers, it means to get your bathing suit and towel

Drop-bear- a ferocious beast of a koala bear with pointy teeth and an apitite for people. Particularly American tourists. They drop out of trees on people and then.....well I'd rather not talk about it.

Serviette- Don't you wish you had paid attention in French class? This is the word for napkin and Australians use it too.

Uni- In case you haven't noticed Australians love to shorten words to as few syllables as possible. So Uni stands for University.

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