Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stoney Creek!

Park Sign
I finally in this amazing last week have made it to the fabled Stoney Creek in the Barron Falls National Park. This is thanks to awesome endeavoring to my dear friend Marren Sagar, his dad, and their van of awesomeness!
We painted a cupboard, baked cake with spumontti (sp?) fruit in it, and did art with the wonderful house-mates Leon, Rachele, and Ellie. Their house is absolutely gorgeous. It has multiple porches that wrap around and have couches and cushions. Tall ceilings. Large windows. And is absolutely surrounded by forest. It is so peaceful there.
Lemon-Poppyseed-Spumontti Cake with Turkish Delight

SO stoney creek is full of cold -COLD- clear water that flows through granite boulders, tree roots, and vines. It flows below Barron Falls and the full trail ends at the falls- we didn't get that far because it was getting dark pretty fast. But we found a pool a bit off the trail with flat rocks that was great for swimming. The water was cold enough to take your breath out of you on the first plunge.
Even better was walking back in the dark and seeing the rare mysterious glow of blinking fire flies.

The next day we went to another pool that had boulders tall and water deep enough to have a rope swing for jumping. It was heaps and heaps of fun- and the water didn't seem as cold with the sunshine.

Stoney Creek at dusk

It is, like so much of this country, such a beautiful compact area just off the beaten track. It is something you would never hear about unlike the Outback or the Great Barrier Reef, but that doesn't make it any less special.

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