Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Turning 21

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia."
Charles M. Schulz

In Australia I am already 21. In Colorado I am still 20 and will be for another 10 hours or so (in Michigan it's less).

In Australia turning 21 is not a big deal. Here you are officially a responsible adult at age 18. You can do almost anything, but rent a car, and are expected to take responsibility for these actions.

In the US however, 18 is the magical age where you can buy cigarettes, enter adult rated stores, join the military, vote for or against who is running the country, and file your own taxes. You are apparently a responsible adult in all regards apart from the ability to buy and consume alcohol. From 18 until you turn the magical 21 you are in control of your health, sexuality, and the shape your life may take; but are not possessing the common sense or where-with-all to have a glass of wine with dinner.

Now I am sure there are some good reasons why the US has these sobriety laws as well as some not so good ones. But, as I pass this magical landmark into the world of "full adult-hood", I wanted to point out an ironic difference in these two countries.

Have fun and drink responsibly, your tomorrow will thank you.

P.S. Happy Valentines Day Everybody!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day! I guess you're an hour away from being 20 right now from my point of view, hahaha!
    This is a great blog, Ann! Fortunately, this email address worked for following it even though my rams email didn't work! I look forward to seeing more updates from you. :)

    (Also, I found a great avatar to use, so now you have a cool falcon in your followers list. ;D We miss you at the RMRP!!)
