Monday, January 23, 2012

10 Interesting Things About Queensland

1. There are 7400 km of coastline in this province alone. This includes beaches, marshes, and mangroves. (source:

2. Queensland has 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Fraser Island, the biggest sand island in the world. Gondwana Rainforest, a unique collection of sub-tropic and temperate rain forests that occur in the border region of Queensland and New South Wales. The Great Barrier Reef, this one should speak for itself. Riversleigh a site of a large collection of fossils that show the evolution of many of Australia’s unique creatures. Lastly, the Wet Tropics of Queensland which meet four of the UNESCO standards for becoming a World Heritage Site. The Wet Tropics parks are a series of preserves that run from Cooktown to Townsville and as such are right outside my front door!

(source:  and

3. As of last October there were 66 (and counting) endangered species of terrestrial animals in Queensland.

4. Yes kangaroos are a very common animal in Australia, but did you know the management of them is a bit of a controversial issue? Are they a pest, a source of meat, or a lovable icon to be protected?

5. Queensland has over 850 species of birds and an active bird watching community.

6. Australia’s longest river, the River Murray, has its beginnings or headwaters located in Queensland. The second largest river by state, Flinder’s River is also a Queensland River.

7. There are over 100 declared weed species (pesky plants) in Queensland that the state wants to keep an eye on. (source:

8. Wallaman Falls in Queensland contains the largest waterfall drop in Australia at 268 meters.              ( source:

9. The animal symbol for Queensland is a Koala.

10. Poisonous creatures of Queensland include snakes, funnel web spiders, insects, and a variety of marine creatures. Not to mention plants and fungi!
(source: )

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